Scene from Jews Step Forward

Jews Step Forward (2018)

Monday, October 22, 2018, 6:45 P.M.

The Little Theatre

Directors: Elika Rezaee and Marjorie Wright
Run Time: 68 min.
Language: English

Style: documentary
Year: 2015

Co-sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace, Rochester Chapter

This indie documentary highlights twenty-four moral voices within the American Jewish community speaking on behalf of justice for the indigenous Palestinian people.  Directed and produced by Elika Rezaee and Marjorie Wright, this powerful, truthful, controversial documentary has been screened at festivals around the world.  It has been recognized by the 2016 Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards Festival and given a certificate of merit as the best “Human Rights, War and Peace film in the category Documentary Feature” by the sixteen International Film Festivals.

“Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, (s)he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” — Robert F. Kennedy

The Festival encourages you to explore the twenty-four impressive speakers who describe their personal journeys in this film.  A partial list of the books mentioned in the film is available here.


Rich Forer

Rich Forer

Rich will join us via Skype