Banner for Stone Cold Justice

Stone Cold Justice (2014)

This is a joint report by Australian Broadcasting and The Australian newspaper. Reporter John Lyons travels to the West Bank to hear the story of children who claim they have been taken into custody, ruthlessly questioned, and then allegedly forced to sign confessions before being taken to court for sentencing …]

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Banner for From al-Araqib to Susiya

From al-Araqib to Susiya (2014)

“Two villages: one story.” The story is Israeli suppression of the eponymous villages, one in the Negev west of the green line, the other in the West Bank near Hebron. This film shows Israel’s parallel displacement policies on both sides of the Green Line and people’s determination to resist as they seek to remain on their land […]

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Banner for Voices Across the Divide

Voices Across the Divide (2014)

Filmmaker Alice Rothchild is an American Jew raised on the tragedies of the Holocaust and the dream of a Jewish homeland in Israel. Voices Across the Divide follows her personal journey as she begins to understand the Palestinian narrative while exploring the Palestinian experience of loss, occupation, statelessness, and immigration to the US […]

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When I Saw You

When I Saw You (2014)

The setting is 1967 and at a refugee camp near Amman, Jordan. New refugees are arriving frequently in the aftermath of the six-day war – joining some who came after the Nakba. Ghaydaa and her 11-year-old son Tarek are among the new arrivals. They don’t know what happened to their husband/father; perhaps he was killed in the fighting […]

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Witness Palestine Film Series

It’s Better to Jump (2014)

The title refers to a rite of passage for young people, jumping off the precipice of the Ottoman-era sea wall into the Mediterranean.

  • “Jumping gives you strength to face your future. A young person will take one jump today, and make ten more in life. There’s a direct connection between jumping and life.” – Waleed Kashash, artist
  • In life it’s better to jump” – Makram Khourty, actor

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Audience feedback session - My Name is Rachel Corrie

My Name is Rachel Corrie (2014)

Rachel Corrie was an American peace activist who traveled to Gaza in 2003 at the height of the Second Intifada with the International Solidarity Movement. She was one of a handful of committed internationals who made it their mission to stop housing demolitions and the destruction of water resources in Gaza and to educate their friends, family, and the rest of the world about the atrocities committed against Palestinians on a daily basis.


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