banner for Occupation Has No Future

Occupation Has No Future (2012)

Thursday, September 20, 2012, 6:45 – 9:30 p.m.

Location: The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue Rochester NY ~ Tickets $8 from The Little box office

Film run time: 1:24 ~ Style: documentary ~ Format: video projection

This film gives a broad overview and is rich in background information. It covers many topics, gives many supporting details, has good graphics, and a variety of speakers make the subject move along.

Topics covered

  • Pervasive role of military service in Israeli life
    • Refuseniks
    • Shministim, young people signing statements refusing military service
  • Settlers: their aims, accomplishments, and effect on Palestinians
  • Hebron conditions
    • Ratio of settlers to Palestinians; ratio of military protectors to settlers
    • February 1994 killing of people at the Tomb of the Patriarchs
    • Expropriation of Palestinian property
  • Refugee camps (Dheisheh)
  • Separation wall
    • Green line and relation to the wall’s path
    • Expropriation of Palestinian property
    • Origins in Zionism
    • “Seam villages”
    • Checkpoints
    • Bil’in demonstrations
  • Status of East Jerusalem
  • U.S. financial and military support of Israel


Dianne Roe
panelist Dianne Roe
Dianne Roe

An artist from Corning NY, Dianne Roe has been a peace activist on issues relating to Palestine since she first traveled there with a United Methodist group in 1989. In 1995 she went to Hebron for the first time with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) and was a full timer with CPT, primarily in Hebron until 2008. During her time in Hebron she met hundreds of Palestinian families who lacked freedom of movement, access to land, who suffered from settler or soldier violence, or who had homes demolished or trees uprooted. As she witnessed the human face of the occupation, she determined to show that face to others. Her witness extends to Upper NY (UNY) where she is part of the UNY United Methodist Task Force for Peace with Justice in Palestine – Israel. She is also on the leadership team of UNY Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA).

David Zlutnick
panelist director producer David Zlutnick
David Zlutnick

David Zlutnick, the director/producer of this film, will take part via Skype. He’s the founder and primary film/media producer of Upheaval Productions. He has a strong history within independent media, both written and visual. In the past he has worked with numerous independent print publications and his work has been featured in a variety of media outlets including Democracy Now!, Colorlines, and Truthout, among others. A founding member of Media Insurgente, David worked to produce multiple short documentaries through this organization that were shown widely both within the United States and internationally. He currently lives and works in San Francisco producing documentaries and video journalism through Upheaval Productions.